As angel investors, AN8 partners with entrepreneurs
to transform strong ideas into business results.
What We Do

As business coaches and mentors, we provide strategic guidance to assess opportunities, guide growth and expand into new markets. We view ourselves as an extension of your management team and a trusted partner at the table.

We have strong relationships with decision-makers across North America in a variety of industries. We offer the opportunity to connect with like-minded partners, to help open doors and advance your company’s growth.

We understand the many complex decisions needed to build a successful company. Drawing on our experience and working across sectors, we can help you develop the most effective structure for your company.

Marketing & PR
As a partner of AN8, you gain valuable access to our affiliate company NKPR. One of North America’s top marketing agencies, NKPR has a proven record of success developing strategic programs for national and international brands.

As business coaches and mentors, we provide strategic guidance to assess opportunities, guide growth and expand into new markets. We view ourselves as an extension of your management team and a trusted partner at the table.

We have strong relationships with decision-makers across North America in a variety of industries. We offer the opportunity to connect with like-minded partners, to help open doors and advance your company’s growth.

We understand the many complex decisions needed to build a successful company. Drawing on our experience creating our own businesses and working across sectors, we can help you develop the most effective structure for your company.

Marketing & PR
As a partner of AN8, you gain valuable access to our affiliate company NKPR. One of North America’s top marketing agencies, NKPR has a proven record of success developing strategic programs for national and international brands.